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Grandma's Animals
We Board Small Animals: Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hedgehogs, Chinchillas, Rats, Sugar Gliders, Bearded Dragons, Hamsters, Ferrets, etc... We even boarded some parakeets. (NO Dogs/Cats)
Appointments Available Year Round
Adoption Fees: $30 for single
$50 for bonded pair
*Bonded pairs must be adopted together. We will NOT separate*
Donations are greatly appreciated. We are always in need of: Fruits, Veggies, Timothy Hay, Pelleted Pine Bedding, Guinea pig/Rabbit/& Hamster Pellets, Quilted Moving Blankets, and cages for guinea pigs and other small animals.
You can also check out our wishlists at the links below:

Thank you!
We really appreciate your help!
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